Life at GREENPARK: Benefits of bringing your workspace into nature

When we first started working on the Greenpark Technology Center, we wanted to create a unique gathering place for inspired visionaries striving toward a more meaningful life, so we looked at nature for inspiration. We quickly found out that there is a scientific term for the love of nature – biophilia – and it refers to the innate human need to connect with nature. 

The more we found out about biophilia, the more we felt determined to design and build a space that creates a calming and restorative feeling that promotes and inspires the health and well-being of not just our employees and colleagues but also guests and tourists. There are many benefits of bringing nature into the work environment, and we will discuss five of them in this blog post, as well as how we incorporated elements of biophilia in Greenpark. Keep reading to learn more!

Increase in productivity

One of the benefits of biophilia in the workplace is that it can increase employee productivity. Studies have shown that employees who work in environments with natural elements are more productive than those who don’t. This is likely because nature has a calming effect on the mind and body, which helps to improve focus and concentration.

Lower stress

Another benefit of biophilia in the workplace is that it can reduce stress levels. Employees who work in environments with natural elements report lower stress levels than those who don’t. This is likely because nature has a calming effect on the mind and body, which helps to reduce anxiety and tension.

Improved morale

The third benefit of biophilia in the workplace is that it can improve employee morale. Employees who work in environments with natural elements report higher morale than those who don’t. This is likely because nature has a positive effect on the mind and body, which helps to improve mood and outlook.

Reduced absenteeism

The fourth benefit of biophilia in the workplace is that it can reduce absenteeism. Employees who work in environments with natural elements are less likely to call in sick than those who don’t. This is likely because nature has a positive effect on the mind and body, which helps to boost immunity and overall health.

Increased creativity

Finally, the fifth benefit of biophilia in the workplace is that it can increase creativity. Employees who work in environments with natural elements are more creative than those who don’t. This is likely because nature provides a distraction-free environment that allows for more creative thinking.

Drop by for a visit!

From the getgo, we knew we wanted to create a unique gathering place to inspire and bring together our entire community. That’s why we made sure our doors are always open for curious passersby and innovative leaders. So, if you want to find out more about Greenpark, the inspiration behind it, or you’re looking for the perfect location for your next business meeting, contact us today and our team will be more than happy to give you a tour. See you at Greenpark!

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